Thursday, June 19, 2008

One month

It has been a month since the boxes have been planted and I am amazed at how some of the plants are growing. Look how stocky the stem is on this tomato.

The beans are starting to sprout, and there are blossoms on the squash plants. Some broccoli are ready to harvest but I am waiting to see if they'll grow a bit more first.

The flowers are looking pretty too, although I need to trim the grass around all the beds. In the flower bed next to the garden we hung a buoy bell wind chime. I love it. It doesn't make a tinkly sound but more of a mellow tone that just blends in with all the natural sounds. You hear it, but you almost don't hear it, because it just blends in with the background and sounds like it is a part of the outside. It's hard to explain, so I'll just say the buoy bell is a really nice addition to the garden.

My goal for the upcoming weekend is to plant or compost all the plants remaining on the front porch. Hard to believe it is mid-June. Summer goes by so fast.

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